
Welcome to HITS 102 – Sales Counter Operations! If you have not already gone through HITS 101 – Getting Started, please STOP and do so before proceeding with this course.

This course will go over sales-related features in HITS. Some of the videos in this training course may not relate to your business. (For example, if your shop does not take appointments, you will not need to watch the appointment videos.) Please feel free to watch only the videos that are relevant to your business.

Use the LAST and NEXT arrows or the navigation bar on the left hand side of the screen to proceed through the training. To watch the videos in the training, click on the video thumbnail.

REMEMBER : Training is MOST effective when after you watch a video, you to practice what was explained in the video in your DEMO HITS system.


Invoicing Functions

The videos in this section will both review and show some new features relative to invoicing.

a. Review of HITS 101 (6:32)

In HITS 101 – Getting Started, we went over customers, vehicles, quotes, workorders, adding items to a ticket, posting the customer’s payment, and closing tickets. We will briefly review what we learned in HITS 101 in this video.

b. Selling Items From Inventory (4:30)

In this video, we will look at selling items from inventory. The video will focus on the Inventory Lookup screen and how to add items form the inventory lookup screen back to the ticket.

c. Sales Discounts, Coupons, and Warranties (3:38)

In HITS you can discount items or the ticket total by using $ OFF, % OFF, Target Price, or Warranty Calculation. You can also apply a discount / coupon code for tracking discounts. This video will review how to apply discounts to quotes and workorders.


Customer Functions

The videos in this section will focus on the most important part of your business – your customers! Customer-related functions in the software assist you in providing better customer service.

a. Customer & Vehicle History (3:23)

Customer & Vehicle History allows you to see past and future tickets for a specific customer or specific vehicle. History can help you determine the work a vehicle might need, and can help you re-recommend past declined work.

b. Emailing & Texting Customers From a Ticket (11:09)

This video will show how to email customers PDF invoices, how to copy customer contact information onto the ticket for reference, and how to email or text message customers directly from the ticket using either templates or custom messages.


Tire Sales

Tire dealers and auto repair shops come in all shapes, sizes, and types. Some shops stock inventory, others sell mostly on-demand. Some order tires from multiple vendors, others order direct from manufacturers. The videos in this sections will discuss selling tires.

a. Start Here – Tires Overview (3:37)

This video will cover the distinctions between tires from inventory and outside purchase tires. Some benefits of adding tires to inventory will be discussed, as well as the Tire Brands integration.

b. Selling Tires From Inventory (6:49)

In this video, we will look at selling tires from inventory. The video will focus on the Inventory Lookup screen and how to price tires in your store’s configured tire packages.

c. Selling Outside Purchase Tires (2:53)

In this video, we will manually add an an outside purchase tire to the a ticket by keying in the OPT code and entering description and cost. We will also show how to register DOT#s for tires.

d. Tire Wholesalers – Availability, Pricing, and Ordering (3:36)

In this video, we will look at the ATD and TCi integrations in BPOS and how to check inventory, price items, place items on a ticket, and order from your preferred tire wholesaler.


Appointments & Bay Management

This section of the training will cover the appointment system. The appointment system consists of an appointment list screen and a bay management screen. HITS BPOS is also integrated with an optional online appointment scheduler which allows your customers to book appointments on your website.

a. Start Here! – Bay + Appointments Overview (4:42)

The Ticket Lookup, the Appointment List, and the Bay Management screens all display your day’s ticket but in very different ways! This video will show the difference between the three screens.

b. Appointment List (3:51)

The Appointment List works great as a stand alone appointment system and works great when used in conjunction with the Bay Management screen. This video will focus primarily on the Appointment List screen.

c. Bay Management (5:47)

Bay Management is one of the most effective management tools in BPOS for scheduling appointments, managing work in the shop, and allocating technicians. This video will show functionality of Bay Management.


Practice Lessons

Below are some practice lessons. Attempt to create the practice lesson tickets in your DEMO.


Practice Lesson #1 – Create a ticket from Bay Management
Go to the Bay Management screen. ‘Right-click’ to create a new quote. Add a customer, vehicle, and at least one line item (of your choice) to the quote.

1. After creating the quote, go back to the Bay Management screen and drag and drop the quote to a new bay and time.
2. Then ‘right-click’ on appointment and click Edit Appointment.
3. Set the appointment Code to match the line item(s) you placed on the quote.
4. Set the Vehicle Status : Awaiting Parts and save the appointment.


Practice Lesson #2- Tires from Inventory
Create a new work order. Add a new customer and vehicle to the ticket and the system.

1. Go to Line Item tab.
2. Click the binoculars next to the Product # field to go the Inventory Lookup screen.
3. Enter Raw Size : 2256016
4. Check the Show Zero & Negative Quantities box. Click FIND.
5. Highlight the Michelin Premier A/S tire
6. Click the green camera icon to see Tire Brands images & specifications. Exit out of Tire Brands.
7. Double click the Michelin Premier A/S you highlighted to bring the item back to the ticket.
8. In the black edit box, edit the Quantity : 2 and select Package : Tire Install
9. Click SAVE to add the items to the ticket and print the work order.


Practice Lesson #3 – Copy items from Vehicle History to Workorder
Create a new work order. Lookup and add customer, Don Rutherford and this customer’s 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser [tag: UCRUZN2] to the work order.

1. Click the CARFAX Tools button at the bottom of the work order, then the CARFAX Service History button.
2. After checking the CARFAX history, close the browser.
3. Click the Vehicle History button (on the bottom of the work order.)
4. Click the Show History button (leave the default search options set.)
5. Highlight only the oil change line items on the most recent ticket.
6. Click the COPY SELECTED ITEMS button to bring items back to your new work order.
7. Print the work order.